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Multiple part-time jobs and the benefits of working while studying

Part-time jobs for students abroad

Part-time jobs are a blessing in disguise for the ones who are studying abroad as you can earn money to support your stay there. Apart from earning money, part-time jobs are a great way of getting job experiences, making new friends, and studying the job market of the country where you are living. However, it is essential to note that whatever you earn as a part-timer will not cover your educational expenses.

It is necessary to search for the countries that will allow you to do part-time jobs, and there might be specific rules that differ for nations. The legislations too vary from time to time, and therefore it is vital to be updated about the new policies. Let us run through the benefits of part-time working and the various part-time jobs available in different countries

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Benefits of Part-time jobs

While some countries follow stringent rules for the student to do part-time jobs, there are some countries, which follow minimum wage policies even for a part-timer. In the U.K., the minimum wage is 6.5 euros per hour; it is A$16.87 in Australia and US$7.25 in the USA. In Germany, if you work more than 20 hours per week as a student, you will be required to pay into the German social security system.

Let us gather some important benefits of working part-time

  • Pay your extra bills that exceed your student budget or start paying for the loans
  • Develop your language skills while on a job
  • Add this as additional experience in your resume
  • Take this as an opportunity to make new friends and spend that extra money for travelling or other leisure activities.

A Clock With Part Time Job text.

Various part-time jobs available

Research about the part-time working hours in the countries you aspire to study. In the U.S., the rules are stringent for part-timers, as under-grads have no options to work while studying, while the graduates can work on campus in their first year and off-campus from their second year. The working hour is 20 hours per week for them in the U.S. The working hours for students in Australia is 40 hours biweekly, 20 hours per week in Canada, UK & Malaysia and 16 hours per week in Singapore. The vacation timings and working hours may vary according to the countries.

Following are the various part-time jobs for the students

Working on-campus

Working on campus is the most popular part-time job for students. They can work in college cafeterias, computer centres or even in the college unions. Any job inside the campus is a great way to socialize with fellow students and to improve the language skills of international students. Some countries like the USA provide working on campus as the part-time jobs for international students.

Call Centers

Call-centres are the best job options for those who are communicative and friendly. Though the jobs at call-centres are physically taxing, the wages earned is higher than that of any other jobs.

Other jobs

Restaurants, bars and cafes are the places that look out for part-timers. Check out the nearby areas with restaurants for part-time employment.

Meanwhile, you could search for a company relevant to your field of study for the internship, which can give some demanded experience and numerous opportunities too. There are multiple volunteering opportunities for international students that can help them to improve their experiences

Ensure that whatever job you undertake might not hinder your focus in studies. So, have a happy studying and working as well.

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